Sunday, June 17, 2007

Back to the drawing board

There is a charming little girl in my life, who stole a piece of my heart when she was a little more than 5 years old. Bright, precocious, charming, goofy, sweet, considerate, and altogether devilish. Just adorable.

She is one of my daughter's bff's
(I think there are three now, but, I could be wrong...) and one day last winter, she asked if I would make a drawing of her. Big brown eyes, long black lashes, a goofy smile, all surrounded by the glossiest golden brown curls... How could I resist?

We negotiated a price on delivery, and we kept well within her 9-year-old's budget. I wanted to be sure of a happy customer. I think I succeeded...

She gave the drawing to her Dad today. His praise was more than I could have asked for... It's a special feeling when something you've created can bring happiness to another person.

I haven't asked if it's ok to post her picture here, so I won't show it just yet... but, I can show you another one I've started of my own precious girl... This one is an oil on linen panel, about 12" x 12", painted alla prima (in one sitting) and I think I'm going to name it "Pensive"

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