Friday, November 09, 2007

My Mom's poem by Kaitie Marie

Wanna hear what made me cry today?

My Mom's Poem by Kaitie Marie

My Mom's poem is
Horses running
through a

My Mom's poem is
snowflakes blowing
through the

My Mom's poem is
the wings of
an angel
in heaven

My Mom's poem is
a rose in bloom

My Mom's poem is
a new pathway
leading to

I love my little girl...!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Hallowe'en!!!

Busy as usual, haven't had much time to write, nor much to write about... well... at least not much to do with Art or my attempts to create it! Today's activities centered around the re-creation of Vampira... and I must say I was surprised to see how little remained of the normally pretty, bright shiny face I love so much! When we were done, the little vampire took her pumpkin and went off with her two best friends to beg for candy... In a happy coincidence, they too were dressed appropriately for the toils of the underworld... a ghoul and the grimreaper to accompany the Queen of Darkness herself! Now as long as she doesn't get too hungry, the neighborhood should be safe!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Portrait of Kaitie

An old painting that I'd decided to revisit. It's bigger than life-size, and while I like the design, I think it's got too many drawing issues to fix. I'll likely abandon it and try again...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lake Ascoti revisited

It would seem that I've found a favorite place to paint outdoors... Harriman State Park is a fountain of nature, full of bountiful lakes, wildlife, and panoramic vistas. I love to go there, put on the headset and let my paintbrush attempt to copy what I see...

After a series of errands in the morning, and with the realization that making it to work would be an exercise in commuting, with little time remaining for actually working, I decided to finish my day at the lake instead of in Midtown NYC traffic. It was a wise decision, I think...
This is also 12" x 24", oil on linen on panel. Painted en plein aire.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Day at the Lake

Having now abandoned all hope of reviving my old website in the forseeable future, I've now added a few posts that hold my old artwork, and will update here with new stuff as I get it done... like... this one, completed in two and a half sessions at Lake Ascoti, NY.

It's a wonderful spot, part of Harriman State Park. There's free parking, a big lake full of fish to catch - both the large ones for the large folks and the little ones for the little guys to play with... I spent two days with my little girl at the lake, she fishing, me painting... it was idyllic.

On the third day I added a few more darks along the water line, then realized I didn't really want to change the painting that much - it was done. I signed it, and put it on the side for drying. A gentleman approached me, and we talked for a bit about daughters, artistry, and the trials of a father trying to bring his child and her 6' x 6' paintings home from college. He expressed an interest, and then bought the painting still wet from the day's efforts. Thankfully not too wet, as I placed it, ever so carefully, on the supple leather seats in the back of his beautiful, expensive car.

It was a completely unexpected, and thoroughly delightful, way to end a perfect day.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Full size portrait of Kaitie Marie - WIP

A detail from one of the things that are currently on the easel... This one is life-sized, 24" x 48" Oil on panel.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Back to the drawing board

There is a charming little girl in my life, who stole a piece of my heart when she was a little more than 5 years old. Bright, precocious, charming, goofy, sweet, considerate, and altogether devilish. Just adorable.

She is one of my daughter's bff's
(I think there are three now, but, I could be wrong...) and one day last winter, she asked if I would make a drawing of her. Big brown eyes, long black lashes, a goofy smile, all surrounded by the glossiest golden brown curls... How could I resist?

We negotiated a price on delivery, and we kept well within her 9-year-old's budget. I wanted to be sure of a happy customer. I think I succeeded...

She gave the drawing to her Dad today. His praise was more than I could have asked for... It's a special feeling when something you've created can bring happiness to another person.

I haven't asked if it's ok to post her picture here, so I won't show it just yet... but, I can show you another one I've started of my own precious girl... This one is an oil on linen panel, about 12" x 12", painted alla prima (in one sitting) and I think I'm going to name it "Pensive"

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hopper House "Artists in the Park" 2007

I decided that I liked the idea of participating in this event last year, so I did it again this year... Once again, the weather was less than cooperative. Rain, cold... miserable. The painting showed it, and didn't sell.

Instead, I sold this one... a 12" x 24" Oil on panel completed in one session at Harriman State Park's Lake Ascoti. I'd started this painting looking for a chance to paint very tight realism from life... then reality set in and I saw that there was simply no way to do anything more than a very loose rendition of what was before me...

I was pleased with the outcome, and apparently so were a few others. The bidding took the price up to about double what they'd started out at... a good outcome for all concerned.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Seasonal View

What started out as two separate paintings became one... The references for this come from two different times of the year, Spring and Fall. The difference in the temperature of the light at the different seasons intrigued me, to say the least.

"Seasonal View" is 24" x 24" Oil on Linen on Panel.