Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hopper House "Artists in the Park" 2006

The Edward Hopper House is a local hotspot for artists to gather, learn and exhibit. They started a new tradition called "Artists in the Park". Local artists are asked to paint, en plein aire, at local sites, and then donate their paintings to an auction to be held the same day.

The day was miserably cold at first, not at all what you'd like for a mid-May day in New York. It warmed up a bit by the end, but, jackets, gloves and rain gear were definitely called for at first...

This was my first painting for the day... a 12" x 12" Oil on linen on panel. It was fun, and I was left wondering if it would sell...

So, I donated it, and decided to try again...

Here is the result of that effort, a 12" x 24" oil on linen on panel...

In the most amazing turn of events, both paintings sold... for double the initial asking price. I was thrilled...!!

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