Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lake Ascoti revisited

It would seem that I've found a favorite place to paint outdoors... Harriman State Park is a fountain of nature, full of bountiful lakes, wildlife, and panoramic vistas. I love to go there, put on the headset and let my paintbrush attempt to copy what I see...

After a series of errands in the morning, and with the realization that making it to work would be an exercise in commuting, with little time remaining for actually working, I decided to finish my day at the lake instead of in Midtown NYC traffic. It was a wise decision, I think...
This is also 12" x 24", oil on linen on panel. Painted en plein aire.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Day at the Lake

Having now abandoned all hope of reviving my old website in the forseeable future, I've now added a few posts that hold my old artwork, and will update here with new stuff as I get it done... like... this one, completed in two and a half sessions at Lake Ascoti, NY.

It's a wonderful spot, part of Harriman State Park. There's free parking, a big lake full of fish to catch - both the large ones for the large folks and the little ones for the little guys to play with... I spent two days with my little girl at the lake, she fishing, me painting... it was idyllic.

On the third day I added a few more darks along the water line, then realized I didn't really want to change the painting that much - it was done. I signed it, and put it on the side for drying. A gentleman approached me, and we talked for a bit about daughters, artistry, and the trials of a father trying to bring his child and her 6' x 6' paintings home from college. He expressed an interest, and then bought the painting still wet from the day's efforts. Thankfully not too wet, as I placed it, ever so carefully, on the supple leather seats in the back of his beautiful, expensive car.

It was a completely unexpected, and thoroughly delightful, way to end a perfect day.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Full size portrait of Kaitie Marie - WIP

A detail from one of the things that are currently on the easel... This one is life-sized, 24" x 48" Oil on panel.